Board Options

There are several board options, your choice will depend upon where the chess set is to be used.

Carpet tiles can be used - these can be purchased from Game in a choice of colours. We suggest blue and grey. The cost for 64 carpet tiles is around R1,200 (July 2011).

chess board layout (1280x1273) 


Rouberto R31.50 Each Grey 450 x 450 R422.00 Per cubic metre R65.00 50KG
Builders R70.00 Each Grey 450 x 450 R38.00 per 40kg Bag R69.00 50KG
Buco R35.40 Grey 450 x 450 R271.11 Per cubic metre R66.78 50KG
Chamberlains R29.53 Grey 450 x 450 R463.00 Per cubic metre R63.90 50KG
Vanstones R29.00 Grey 450 x 450        
Vanstones R39.30 Charcoal 450 x 450        


Building your own board using paving slabs:

We recommend concrete paving slabs 455 x 455 mm. Can be bought from most building material supply stores at about R32 each (May 2017).

This makes the board size around 4.11 x 4.11 m with 10 mm grout between slabs.

A series of photographs showing the process:

We recommend painting only the dark squares as the light or white will show the dirt fairly quickly. Roofpaint directly onto the cement slabs works well and two coats are recommended.

Painting is recommended after the cement has been allowed to dry. Full strength is achieved after a week or so and some light watering can be applied.

(Although the squares in our series of photographs are already painted, this is not recommended. These were painted because we had used them for a temporary board at an outdoor expo)

Download our Board Building Guide here: board building_s.pdf

Download a paving guide: Pavingexpert - AJ McCormack_s.pdf

Download patio building information: patio_1.pdf

Download a case study: case study - Nyukani.pdf

For a vinyl portable board you can contact Wolfgang from Panache, Tel: (011) 618 4835, or for paving slabs you can contact Olive from Vanstones, Tel: (012) 541-2056/7/8

PVC fold-up board for temporary use:

pvc chess board

 PVC Interlocking tiles: 

interlocking pvc 1 interlocking pvc 2
interlocking board 1 interlocking board 2


Slabs and Grass Board:

This is a beautiful board but we suggest you go with artificial grass if you choose this one. Otherwise you'll end up with yellow patches everywhere.............

grass 2



carpet 1

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