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Chess Festival at the Rosebank Rooftop Market starting 21st August 2011
(August 18, 2011)Bigchess is pleased to be associated with the Chess Festival at the Rosebank Rooftop Market starting on Sunday 21st August 2011. We are co-sponsors as the overall winning team will win a giant chess set for their school.
This is the first in a series of primary school chess tournaments. Winners will accumulate grand prix points, counting towards overall series awards. A grand prize of a giant chess set will be awarded to the winner of the team event.
Registration takes place between 9am and 10am, with the tournament running until 1.30pm. Only 48 players will be accommodated. Games are 20 minutes each, with five qualifying rounds.
The top eight will advance to the knockout stage and will receive certificates of achievement and vouchers redeemable at stall at the Rosebank Rooftop Market.
1st place - R1,000 voucher and ten grand prix points
2nd place - R550 voucher and eight grand prix points
3rd place - R175 voucher and three grand prix points
Details: contact Clyde Wolpe on 072 768 5521